Abstract: Black coppers are mineraloids with a high content of Cu and Mn. These have an amorphous crystalline structure that makes them refractory to conventional leaching processes. For this reason, these mineral resources are not incorporated in industrial leaching heap processes and are taken to dumps. In the present study, an agglomerate pretreatment process incorporating NaCl is evaluated, and a curing stage, followed by acid-reducing leaching for Cu and Mn dissolution from a high-grade black copper mineral. For this, an experimental design was developed both to evaluate the impact of the dependent variables on the response, to generate analytical models that represent the copper and manganese recoveries under the set of sampled conditions. The models indicate that the curing time and the NaCl concentration have a primary effect on the recovery of both elements. In contrast, the optimization model suggests that the optimal operating levels are reached at relatively high levels of time (>130 h) and of NaCl concentration (>22 kg/t). 

exotic mineralsblack copperchloride reductionpretreatmentmodeling